LCI Glossary of Terms
Courtesy of LCI and Strong Towns
accessory dwelling unit (ADU)
Any unit added onto a single family home where an additional person or family could live. Can take the form of a basement, attic or garage that is converted into its own small unit, or a separate cottage built in the yard of a homeowner.
affordable housing
Can refer to one of two things: subsidized affordable housing or naturally occurring affordable housing.
Subsidized affordable housing (sometimes referred to as capital-A affordable housing) is housing that is made to be affordable not through the private market, but by nonprofit or government subsidies.
Naturally occurring affordable housing (sometimes referred to as NOAH by those who work in the field) is housing that is available on the regular market, open to anyone and not subsidized by a government or nonprofit, but which happens to be within the budget of many families. Most affordable housing in America falls into this category. In many cities, the naturally affordable housing tends to be older, less well cared for, and/or not in the most desirable neighborhoods when compared to housing that is only accessible to higher-income families.
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) is a high-quality bus-based transit system that delivers fast and efficient service that may include dedicated lanes, busways, traffic signal priority, off-board fare collection, elevated platforms and enhanced stations.
“By Right” building
California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA)
Any unit added onto a single family home where an additional person or family could live. Can take the form of a basement, attic or garage that is converted into its own small unit, or a separate cottage built in the yard of a homeowner.
attainable homeownership
Complete Streets